We wanted to update what we have been doing for the last month or so at Woolwich Common Estate.

The above flyer has been produced with details of the 'Get Growing Project', which we encourage to share digitally on social media, and have also physically put up on notice boards in some of the estate blocks.
We have also been doing the following:
We have small projects each week to work on certain overgrown areas on the estate and add plants or wildflowers in those areas
Add posts/stories on the WCCC Instagram page
We have also been added to the WC Residents and WC Warriors WhatsApp groups where we add information on a regular basis
The WhatsApp group is a great way to communicate, and residents let us know areas that are overgrown, and Jane (WCCC Center Manager) has contacted RBG gardeners to get those areas cut back
We have attended the WC Residents Meetings and provided information of what we are offering and looking for volunteers to help and support us
We have organized a walk around the estate with RBG officers to look at ‘Dog Poo Areas’ and areas for planting
We have also started litter picking on the estate
We have a 6 week ‘Develop a Community Garden Course’, where we will ask local people to help develop the WC Community Garden at the bottom of the estate. This is the link to sign up for the course: https://www.gcdalearning.org.uk/book-online?category=18d117ee-6def-4853-8395-f1e55d3a5651
Our objective is to get more residents involved in our movement to make our estate a brighter and more colorful environment.
We are looking for anybody who has a passion for gardening and an eye for detail, who can take charge in clearing up some of the overgrown areas on Woolwich Common Estate to make it a better place for all of us who frequent and enjoy the space.
For more information to join us to transform the green spaces on WC Estate, please contact Surjit@gcda.org.uk or Kevin@gcda.org.uk at WCCC.