Dec 3, 2024
Are you interested in growing your own veg?
Do you volunteer with a growing project?
Would you like to start a new growing project?
If so, you’re in the right place!
Growing Greenwich wants to connect with and build a network of growing sites across the borough, and support growers to network together to share resources and ideas.
We know the immense benefits of growing, including improving physical and mental wellbeing, community cohesion, tackling social isolation and more, and want all of Greenwich residents to be take advantage of these benefits. There are already quite a few growing sites in Greenwich that you can visit to get involved with.
GCDA supports 3 sites across the borough and each week local residents can attend to try a range of gardening activities from seed sowing to planting, maintaining and managing herbs, shrubs, flowers soft fruit bushes, vegetables and fruit trees throughout the seasons, with the support and guidance of their community gardeners and volunteers. 
For information about where you can see our Growing Map of Greenwich below or email kevin@gcda.org.uk for more information.
​There are also many other growing sites in the borough, and you can use our map above to find out more.  Do please check with the site before turning up though!
We’re always trying to grow this map, so if you have a site that’s not listed, or would like to update anything, please email haythem@gcda.org.uk with any info you have.
Resources & Funding
There are loads of resources available to growers and amazing national sites that we recommend.  Check out the following:
Thrive - you can download their pack on how to set up a community garden for people affected by mental ill-health here
Capital Growth – Loads of resources and downloadable guides. They also run the Big Dig & Open Gardens
Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens - how to start a growing site resource
The Charlton and Blackheath Amateur Horticultural Society – monthly meetups at Charlton House to allow members to mingle and exchange gardening tips and ideas. They meet at 7.30 on the 3rd Monday of each month. For more information see here 
For info on funding, you can download a list of potential funders here